Brianna, better known as "The Piercing Plug," has been a dedicated and skilled piercer for nearly a decade, with her 10-year licensing anniversary just around the corner. Throughout her career, she's become familiar with a wide range of piercings, but she is particularly well-known for her expertise in dermal piercings.
Whether it’s a unique placement or a more traditional piercing, Brianna’s precision and attention to detail ensure that every client leaves with a result they love. Her extensive experience and specialized knowledge allow her to guide clients through the process with confidence and care.
When she’s not in the studio, Brianna channels her energy into playing hockey, where her fierce determination on the ice mirrors her dedication to her craft. Her passion for the sport reflects the same drive for excellence that she brings to every piercing.
Schedule an appointment with Brianna "The Piercing Plug" and discover Brianna’s expert touch and commitment to creating a personalized piercing experience tailored just for you.